This page contains a list of products that I have personally tried and love, and currently use at my cattery. When applicable, I provide links for you to be able to purchase these items online.
All-around best
For most cats and situations, I recommend an unscented, clumping litter. The best that I have used is Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Litter. Cats love it, it does not have as much dust as other litters, and the best part is that is clumps very well. Many other clumping litters break apart when scooping, which makes it hard to keep a clean box.
Best for litter box aversion
When you are having litter box aversion problems or you need a boost when training, Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract litter is a great option to use that will help encourage your cat to use the litter box.
Litter Box Solutions
Basic litter box
I recommend a simple, open box with high sides. The Nature’s Miracle High-Sided Litter Box works well for the average sized cat.
Another variation that is very durable is the SmartCat Corner Litter Box.
Best for minimal scooping
If you can get your cat to transition into the Breeze Litter Box system, I have to admit it is truly a breeze. I am amazed at how clean it stays, and I love not having to scoop all the time. I do not recommend this solution if your cat is sick – it will not work well for loose stool, and for some cats, it is important to monitor the amount of urine output. This is easier to do with a clumping litter. But if you have a healthy cat and you hate scooping, give this a try!
Litter Scooper
My favorite litter scooper is the Litter Lifter. It is lightweight, large, durable, works well for scraping, and litter falls through it super easily.
Litter Cleanup
The Litter Genie makes cleaning the box less of a chore! It does fill up pretty fast with multiple cats.
Feeding Supplies
Water Fountain
Many cats, especially Bengals, love to drink from running water. I have tried a few fountains, and my new favorite is the this one. My cats and kittens all love it! And I like not having to clean up spilled water bowls every day! I used to recommend the Catit, but they learned to tip that one over… we don’t have that issue with this one!
Cat Scratchers & Trees
Tall Scratcher
The SmartCat Ultimate Scratching Post is a very durable scratching post that cats love. If you can snag it on Amazon when it is around $40, do it!! also has it for $40!
Cardboard Scratcher
I have learned to not waste my money on cardboard scratchers that just get torn to shreds… but this PetFusion scratcher holds up much better! It looks really nice and I don’t have to vacuum cardboard every day. It certainly doesn’t last forever, and you don’t want to get it wet, so it is a little pricey considering this and I do much prefer the one above.
Cat Hammock
All of my cats love hanging out in hammocks! We have this Trixie Hammock, and even though it’s short, everyone loves it. I will sometimes place it on a desk or end table to help give them view out a window if needed. Trixie also makes a taller version which I’m sure they would love.
These are the classics that all my cats love 🙂 The pictures link to, since they have the most consistent and lowest prices I have found for these toys.

Cat Carrier
Cat Wheel
A cat wheel can be a great way for a cat to release pent up energy and resolve stress related behavior! It is an investment and can take some time and patience to get your cat to learn how to use it, but most cats will use it daily once they know how.
We have been happy with the GoCatWheel. If interested in purchasing one, get in touch with me to talk about the details.
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